
  • pdrBatcher
  • A set of cooperating applications used to replicate data between AEMO's energy market systems and a participant's DBMS conforming to the MMS Data Model.
  • All the components necessary for a new data interchange installation bundled together in a compressed file. Each bundle is for a specific RDBMS and the latest release of the Electricity and Gas Data Models.
  • An application making up part of a Data Interchange instance, such as pdrBatcher, pdrMonitor etc.
  • The definition of the interface to participants of data published by AEMO for gas or electricity. A database conforming to the Data Model can contain a local copy of all current participant-specific data recorded in the main database. The Data Model includes database tables, indexes, and primary keys.
  • A zip file containing metadata about the specific release and its associated artefacts, typically in the form of SQL scripts. Each package contains one or more Major or Minor Data Model releases.
  • Each participant ID can share their data with other participant IDs, subject to an authorised request. Implementing data sharing means the full Data Interchange data set (including private data) for the requesting participant ID is made available to another participant's sets of folders in the EMMS file server, as nominated in the request. The sharing of data is for both pre-production and production. A data sharing requirement may emerge, for example, due to a merger with, takeover of, or sale of another registered participant. The requirement may be to use one company's IT system to manage access, and process the data for two or more participant IDs using just one participant IDs set of folders in the EMMS file server. The Data Interchange web application in the Markets Portal provides the status of any data sharing agreements you have implemented.
  • A web application in the Markets Portal used to subscribe to Data Interchange files and to obtain the latest MMS Data Model. These files are typically csv files containing public data and participant’s private data. AEMO recommends participant use of the Data Interchange suite of products, supplied by AEMO, to automate receiving and storage of the files to their systems. AEMO provides working sample software for FTP access (Participant Batcher) to MarketNet and working sample software for Data Interchange.
  • Database administrator
  • Database Management System
  • Data Interchange
  • A collection of Data Interchange applications working together.
  • When a Legacy version of a file replaces an existing Legacy file, some versions of the included reports may change. The replaced report versions are referred to as discontinued. Participants on Discontinued versions may be impacted if a report is discontinued in a Legacy file they are receiving.
  • Refers to the tables, files, and reports deployed two versions ago. AEMO only supports the current and previous Data Model versions.
  • Logically groups one or more reports delivered as a physical file, for example BILLING. Participants subscribe to files in the Markets Portal > Data Interchange > Data Subscription interface.
  • Java Database Connectivity
  • Java Runtime Environment
  • Refers to the tables, files, and reports deployed in the latest Data Model release.
  • Currently supported but no longer updated. If a report is changed in a release, the previous version of the report and the latest version of other reports in the file are delivered from the Legacy file. AEMO automatically moves participants’ subscriptions to the Legacy file. This ensures participants on previous Data Model versions subscribed to files that change, continue to receive the same data. Once upgraded, and the new data is received, you can unsubscribe from the Legacy files. Participants still on discontinued file versions may receive different content if the Legacy file content has changed.
  • pdrLoader
  • A Java logging framework (API) distributed under the Apache Software License.
  • Contains all known data discrepancies.
  • A brand new file, not previously part of the Data Model, containing one or more reports.
  • An exising file containing new or updated report versions added as a part of the updated Data Model version.
  • One package contains several tables, files, and reports but not all files are in a package.
  • Contains the data received from AEMO into tables matching the Data Model.
  • The publishing point from AEMO systems to participant systems. Each participant is allocated an account and access to private and public areas. participants are responsible for interfacing with the participant file server. If uncollected, files are moved to the archive folder after a couple of days. If your Data Interchange environment is configured properly it automatically retrieves the missing files from the archive. Files are kept in the archive for approximately six months. AEMO’s production and pre-production environments are independently operated, so each environment has its own IP address for its participant file server.
  • Participant Data Replication
  • Software responsible for transferring files to and from AEMO's participant file server to the participant's local Data Interchange folders. It can be installed in any environment supporting Java.
  • Software responsible for loading files to and from participant's local Data Interchange folders to the participant's DBMS. It can be installed in any environment supporting Java.
  • A component of Data Interchange, providing participants with visualisation of the status of their Data Interchange systems. The pdrMonitor replaces the Replication Manager.
  • Refers to the tables, files, and reports deployed in the previous Data Model release.
  • The previous software used to manage the configuration settings and monitor the status of the replication of data from AEMO’s systems to the participant’s DBMS. The pdrMonitor replaces the Replication Manager.
  • A data report that loads into a data model table. Identified by its type, subtype, and version. For example: BILLING,BILLINGASPAYMENTS,2
  • The name of the report contained in the Package (Report Type)
  • The Data Model package name
  • The access right setup by the administrator providing access to different areas of the pdrMonitor.
  • A single data feed, from one Participant ID folders on the participant file server, to a single participant database. For example, you can have your pre-production environment connected to the participant file server pre-production environment and your production environment connected to the participant file server production environment. Under no circumstance point your pre-production environment to the AEMO production environment or vice versa.
  • A java launcher for windows, providing the following benefits: Uses an INI file for specifying classpath, main class, vm args, program args and a custom executable name appearing in the task manager.