Release Documents

You can find other recent versions of technical specifications and FAQs on AEMO's website > IT Change and Release Management.

Registered Participants can find archived versions of release notes, technical specifications, and FAQs on the Participant File Server > Releases > Gas or MMS Data Model > Archive.

MMS Data Model v5.3

Release Notes

Electricity Data Model > DM v5.3 Release Notes
MMS Data Model/Production/v5.3/
MMS Data Model v5.3 Release Notes.pdf

Technical Specification and FAQ

Electricity Data Model > DM v5.3 - April 2024
MMS Data Model/Production/v5.3/
EMMS Technical Specification - Data Model v5.3 - April 2024.pdf

MMS Data Model v5.2

Technical Specifications and FAQs

EMMS - Technical specification - Data Model v5.2 - May 2023.pdf
MMS Data Model/Archive/v5.2/
EMMS - Technical specification - Data Model v5.2 - May 2023.pdf

Gas Data Model v2.2

Technical Specification and FAQ

Gas Data Model v2.2