Understand Data Access

Download Files

  • Click Download Files to open or save the selected files to your computer. Multiple file selections are compressed into a single zip file.

Email Myself

The encryption key field must contain an encryption key to email confidential data—it cannot be empty. You can email yourself public data without entering an encryption key.

  • Click Email Myself to send selected files to yourself by email. Confidential data is encrypted using your participant ID's document password (displayed in the field) or you can overwrite it with your own alphanumeric encryption key (letters and numbers) if you prefer.
  • Your participant ID's document password is viewable in MSATS > Participants > Participant Information.
    • For help with MSATS interfaces, see Guide to MSATS Web Portal.

  • Multiple file selections are compressed into a single zip file.

Resend Files

  • Click Resend Files to resend selected files to currently subscribed contacts. Each selected file is sent as one single file per email.

Place on File Server

Click Place on File Server to: