
BUT validation rules

For details about payload and submission rules, see BUT submission rules.


If the entire submission is valid, the Initiator The participant initiating a B2B Interaction. receives a positive Acknowledgement with the response code and description.

A successful payload submission is 0 Success.


The entire Submission A Bid/Offer submission can have: 1. Multiple Trading Days 2. Multiple DUIDs/LinkIDs 3. All Service Types in the same Submission is rejected with a negative message acknowledgement sent to the Initiator, if it:

  1. Fails header validation
  2. Fails CSV Payload validation
  3. Fails message level validation
  4. Has duplicate update instructions (same field for the same NMI Standing Data record)

BUT ASCII character validation

During the submission process, MSATS Market Settlement and Transfer Solutions. The procedures published by AEMO under clause 7.2.8 of the National Electricity Rules, which include those governing the recording of financial responsibility for energy flows at a connection point, the transfer of that responsibility between market participants, and the recording of energy flows at a connection point. validates the following ASCII characters as one character each:




AEMO Australian Energy Market Operator advises to use the word rather than an ampersand (&) because some MSATS fields do not allow the use of special characters. MSATS generates the following error:

<Code description="Schema validation failure">2</Code>
<Explanation>Schema validation failure The entity name must immediately follow the '&amp;' in the entity reference.</Explanation>

Business validation

These D record business validations are ignored and the csv payload Payload continues processing. To correct the errors, check your Payload data.


Table/Column is not valid for processing at this time

One of the following:

  • The Field ID in the D column is known and currently active (date range)
  • Today’s system date is within the From and To date window for the submission Field ID

This value must be populated

There must be a value in the D column

A prior BUT run updated this field

You can only use BUT once to populate a field

This value has illegal characters

The Value in the D column has special characters

  • Grave accent

  • ~ Tilde

  • $ Dollar sign

  • ^ Circumflex

  • & Ampersand

  • + Plus sign

  • = Equals sign

  • | Vertical line (pipe)

  • < Less-than sign

  • > Greater-than sign

  • / Forward slash

The value in the D column exceeds the maximum length

The value in the D column has incorrect date or time format

The value in the D column is below the minimum date

The value in the D column is above the maximum date

The value must be one of the identified enumerations values (case sensitive)

The Participant ID is not allowed to update this Table/Record/Field

The From Participant ID must have an acceptable role for the NMI for Field ID

The Participant ID is not allowed to update this Table/Record/Field

One of the following exists in the CATS Standing data table:

  • NMI
  • Serial Number
  • Register ID

The first 4 columns of the D record: Record type, Payload type, Payload subtype, and Payload version must match one of the following the following (case sensitive):


D record ignored. Only rows meeting the required specification are loaded for processing

BUT csv payload validation

A successful payload submission is 0 Success.

These issues in a csv Comma Separated Values. A file format for data using commas as delimiters. payload result in rejection of the entire payload.




The count of D records in the submission exceeds the limit


Submission row limit

Duplicate records

A BUT Submission D field can only contain unique record type business key and field ID combinations:

  • NMI_DATA: Unique D record value for the supplied fields NMI, Field ID
  • METER_REGISTER: Unique D record value for the supplied fields NMI, Meter Serial, Field ID
  • REGISTER_IDENTIFIER: Unique D record value for the supplied fields NMI, Meter Serial, Register ID, Field ID


BUT submission rules

Business keys

The value exceeds the maximum length

Entire payload

Payload structure

Invalid csv payload: The first row must be a C record

First C

Payload structure

Invalid csv payload: Incorrect number of fields in first C record

The first C record must have 13 columns

First C

Payload structure

Invalid C record Report ID parameter

The Report ID value in the first C record must be one of the following (case and duplicate records sensitive):


First C

C - comment records.htm

Invalid C To parameter

The To value in the first C record is NEMMCO

First C

C - comment records.htm

Invalid CSV payload: Payload Creation Date is invalid

The Payload creation date format in the first C record is YYYY/MM/DD


Payload data

The last record must be a C record

Last C

C - comment records.htm

Incorrect number of fields in last C record

The last C record contains the following mandatory parameters

  • End of report indicator
  • count of records

Last C

C - comment records.htm

C record Count of Records parameter does not match the total number of rows in the CSV Payload

The Count of Records value in the last C record is a count of all records in the CSV payload regardless of record type construction

Last C

C - comment records.htm

Invalid number of D record Meter Register CSV values

The D record for a Meter Register Data submission

must have 11 columns


Payload structure

Invalid number of D record NMI Data CSV values

The D record for a NMI Data submission must have nine columns


Payload structure

CSV Payload must be provided

All rows

Create payload

Invalid number of D record NMI Data csv values

The D record for a NMI Data submission must have nine columns


Payload structure

Invalid number of D record Meter Register csv values

The D record for a Meter Register Data submission must have 11 columns


Payload structure

Invalid number of D record Register Identify csv values

The D record for a Register Identify Data submission must have ten columns


Payload structure

Invalid number of C record CSV values

The last C record must have three columns


Payload structure

Invalid C record System parameter

The system value in the first C record is one of the following (case sensitive)

  • PROD


C - comment records.htm

Invalid C record END OF REPORT (case sensitive) parameter

Last C

C - comment records.htm