Payment Nomination
The Payment Nomination web interface provides a facility to view and manage your nominations for the payment of settlements.
For information about early settlements payment procedures or primary settlement nomination for multiple participant IDs see Settlements See Relevant Rules or Procedures and Payments.
Viewing payment nominations
To view current and past payment nominations:
- On the Payment Nomination menu, click View Nominations.
Creating Nominations
Contains a form where you can nominate a new payment to take effect in a future settlement, or change an existing payment nomination and the billing week it takes effect. Participants can change between normal and early payment at their discretion.
To create payment nominations:
- On the Payment Nomination menu, click Create Nomination.
- Note: nominations for a particular billing week can only be made until two business days before the issuing of final statements.
- If you have problems creating a nomination, please contact AEMO Australian Energy Market Operator's support hub: (Undefined variable: AEMO.Support Hub contact us)
Payment Nominations User Rights Access
The entities required for access are:
- EMMS Energy Market Management System (formerly MMS); software, hardware, network and related processes. - Settlements - Payment Nominations - Maintain Data
- EMMS - Settlements - Payment Nominations - View Data
For more details about User Rights Access The Right a PA assigns to Participant Users to allow access to different areas of AEMO's market systems., see Participant Administration.