Attribute Descriptions

The following chapter lists all attributes displayed on various screens of the Portfolio Management System portal.




Aggregation (Yes/No)

Indicates whether the Group is an aggregation with multiple NMIs, or is a non-aggregated Group with only one NMI.

Two possible values:

  • Yes (2 or more NMIs included in the WDRU_NMI csv)
  • No (1 NMI included in the WDRU_NMI csv)

Application ID (application screen title)

Unique application ID created and assigned to the application upon the upload of its first version.

Numeric value, beginning from 1 and increasing by 1 for each application created.

Application reference


Unique reference to the application as submitted by the DRSP. This reference is used to identify an application. It does not change throughout this application’s lifecycle.

3-50 characters (any characters allowed, commas and quotes must be excluded)


Application version

This number identifies the version of the application submitted to AEMO.

1 – 4 digits with no decimals

The system will automatically add the prefix ‘v’

  • Example: ‘v2’

Baseline accuracy metric

Accuracy is the statistical measure of deviation between the baseline for a WDRU and its actual consumption or export. The accuracy score is measured against the accuracy threshold (20%).


Baseline accuracy score will be assessed as to whether it is equal to or less than the accuracy threshold as part of determining overall baseline eligibility. The bias score is measured against the bias metric (+/- 4%).

  • Accuracy score 35% / 20% = invalid
  • Accuracy score 17% / 20% = valid

Baseline bias metric

The statistical measure of deviation between actual consumption or export of a WDRU and its baseline for each of the measures of baseline accuracy consistently exhibiting error.

Baseline bias score will be assessed as to whether it is equal to or less than the bias metric as part of determining overall baseline eligibility.

  • Bias score -5% / (+/- 4%) = invalid
  • Bias score 3% / (+/- 4%) = valid

Baseline eligibillity

Whether or not a load is sufficiently predictable according to whether it is below the accuracy and bias metrics.

  • Yes (eligible)
  • No (ineligible)

Baseline methodology ID

ID number in the Baseline Engine of the baseline methodology which the applicant is applying to assign to a NMI in the application.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

Baseline methodology name

Formal name of the baseline methodology ID which the applicant has submitted for the NMI in their application.

  • 1 – All Days
  • 2 – Business Days
  • 3 – Non-Business Days
  • 4 – Business + Non-Business Days Composite


Plant type which the Group will be classified as.

One possible value: WDRU

Client group reference

The client group reference value.

Example: ASLT51

Compliance Comments

Indicates whether the group or a NMI within the group has been set to non-compliant and displays the comment added by the user at the time the non-compliance setting was last updated.

Example: “This group has been set to non-compliant for post-event dispatch non-conformance reasons.”

Compliance Status

Status of the NMI with respect to compliance.

  • Compliant
  • Non-compliant

Compliant from

Date the compliance status commences/commenced.


Created by (in application)

Username of the user who changed the application status from ‘Draft’ to ‘Initial Assessment’.

AEMO market portal username

Created by (in portfolio)

Username of the AEMO user who created the portfolio in PMS.

AEMO username

Created on (in portfolio)

Date and time when the portfolio was created in PMS.

dd/mm/yyyy h:mm

Dispatch Region

Dispatch region which the Group will be participating within. Each Group can only have one region. An error will appear for any NMIs which are in a different region from the Group region.

  • NSW1
  • QLD1
  • SA1
  • TAS1
  • VIC1


Dispatchable unit identifier for the Group. DUID is recorded in other AEMO systems and used during dispatch to identify the unit.

3 – 10 characters, with AEMO preference for a structure detailed in the application guide.

Effective date

Date upon which the Participant’s registration becomes effective.


EMS station

A substation element modelled in AEMO’s internal Energy Management System, which the NMI is electrically located at.

Example: H15_LILY (LILYVALE 275KV)

EMS station Aggregated MRC (MW)

The aggregate MW amount of Maximum Responsive Components for the child NMIs of that WDRU, that are electrically located at that EMS Station.

Must be a positive integer greater than 0.

Ended on (in portfolio)

This will appear blank for all portfolios in status ‘In Assessment’ or ‘Active’.


Ended on (in group)

This will appear blank for all groups in status ‘Valid’.


Ended on (in NMI)

Date that Load was declassified


Exclusion day

Date that should be excluded from the PoL calculation due to certain known scenarios. Only displays here if exclusion days are included in the application.


Exclusion day reason

For each exclusion day line item provided in the exclusion day csv, a text reason must be provided to assist AEMO with their assessment of the acceptance of the proposed exclusion day.

1 – 100 characters (any, taking care to avoid commas and quotes which can cause issues with CSV formatting)


Financially Responsible Market Participant (Market Customer or Market Small Generation Aggregator) for the connection point which has classified the connection point as one of its market loads or market generation units.

FRMP Participant ID

Group name

Formal name of the Group in PMS only as submitted by the applicant/participant. This must be unique within a Participant’s portfolio and will not require validation or approval by AEMO.

1 – 50 characters (any)

Initial effective date

Earliest effective date of the Participant ID in EMMS.


Last PoL assessment on

Time and date of latest PoL run.

dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm

Last updated by (in application)

Username of the most recent user to successfully make a change to the application (saved change or status change).

Market portal username

Last updated by (in portfolio)

Username which made the last changes to any of the portfolio details.


Last updated on (in application)

Most recent date and time an update to the application was successfully saved, or the application status was successfully changed.

dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss

Last updated on (in portfolio)

Date and time when the portfolio details were last successfully updated.

dd/mm/yyyy, h:mm

Last Updated on (in NMI)

Date and time when the NMI details were last successfully updated.

dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm

Linked participant IDs

A list of all other participant IDs of the portfolio that has the same ABN.

Format: PID A, PID B, PID C

Load classified on

Date that the load was originally classified for the service.


Load forecasting area

The area identified in AEMO’s Load Forecasting PSO procedure to which the TNI is assigned.

Text string or full name representing the Load Forecasting Area

Maximum ramp rate (MW/min)

The maximum ramp rate that can be included in a WDR bid for the Group.

Must be a positive integer of 1 or above, and between 1 – 4 digits only


The maximum quantity (in MW) of wholesale demand response the individual WDRU (NMI) can provide.

Must be a positive value greater than 0 with up to 3 decimal places.

MRC (MW) (in application)

The DUID-level maximum responsive component is the maximum quantity (in MW) of wholesale demand response the WDRU (Group) is able to provide and bid into the market, rounded down to the nearest full MW. Must be less than or equal to the sum of all NMI MRCs in the DUID.

Must be a positive integer of 1 or above, and between 1 – 4 digits only.

MRC by region (MW)

‘MRC by region (MW)’ statistic is the sum of all aggregated MRC of all Groups in the Portfolio with at least one application with a status of ‘approved’ and ‘approved with conditions’.

Example: NSW1: 25 MW

NERR aggregated premise

‘Small’ NMIs can only be classified and aggregated as WDRUs where a retail customer has a NERR 5(2)(a) agreement with its retailer to aggregate its premise load. This is a declaration to confirm that a NERR agreement applies to this small load.

  • Yes
  • No


The national metering identifier (NMI) of a connection point which the applicant has submitted to classify in an application.


NMI availability status

The temporary operational status of the NMI.

  • Available
  • Unavailable

NMI available from

Date the Availability status commences/commenced.


NMI unavailable from

Date the Unavailability status commences/commenced.


NMI meter type

Indicates the meter typeof the NMI.

• Example: COMMS4C


The maximum quantity (in MW) of wholesale demand response the individual WDRU (NMI) can provide.

Must be a positive value greater than 0 with up to 3 decimal places.

NMI MRC reason

Short reason provided by applicant to justify the NMI-level MRC value provided in the application. Where reason is long, might instead include a reference to a specific supporting evidence document.

1 – 100 characters (any, but avoid commas and quotes which cause issues with CSV format)

NMI MSATS status

NMI status in MSATS. Status A’ (Active) is the only status we will accept for WDR classification.

Example: ‘A’

NMI region

NEM region of the TNI which the NMI is assigned to

Example: ‘NSW1’

NMI size

NMIs are considered large or small depending on the amount of energy they consume. This varies between jurisdictions, but for most it is 160,000kWh per year.

Example: ‘Large’

NMI status (in group NMI list)

NMI status refers to the compliance, non-compliance, availability or unavailability status of the NMI.

Example: ‘Available’


Network service provider assigned in MSATS to the connection point.

NSP Participant ID

Participant ABN

ABN of the organisation.

Example: 91 064 651 118

Participant ID

Participant ID linked to the portfolio in PMS against which an application was created.

Alphanumeric string (Maximum 8 characters)

Example: ENRGY11

Participant name

Participant name linked to the participant ID in PMS against which an application was created.

Alphanumeric string

Participant status (EMMS)

Status of the relevant Participant ID in EMMS.

Example: ‘Registered’ for Active or In Assessment portfolios

Participant type

Automatically populated based on the initial application submitted for a participant. Participant type remains static once a participant is registered.

One possible value: DRSP (initial application is WDRU)

Portfolio name

Name of the portfolio which the application was uploaded against

3-50 characters (any)


Lists the dispatch regions in which the Portfolio contains Groups in ‘Valid’ status and have at least one application linked to the Group which is ‘Approved’ or ‘Approved with conditions’.

Example: NSW1

Retail customer

Name of the end use consumer to which the NMI belongs.

1 – 120 characters (any characters)


NMI role in the application.

Possible values:


Service which applicant is applying for the Group to be classified for.

One possible value: ‘Energy’

Service effective date dd/mm/yyyy

Earliest effective date of the Participant ID in EMMS.


Service Type

Market which the Group is or is applying to participate in.

One possible value: ‘WDR’


List of services provided by Valid Group(s) in the portfolio.

Example: ‘WDRU’

Site name

Informal name of the connection point which the applicant is applying to classify. Optional field for information purposes only.

3 – 50 characters

Site postcode

Postcode of the NMI according to MSATS standing data.

4-digit postcode

Telemetry exemption

When telemetry exemption is ‘y’ or ‘yes’, the applicant is applying to be exempt from telemetry requirements. The telemetry exemption field must be provided when the telemetry status is ‘n’ or ‘no’.

  • Yes
  • No

Telemetry status

Whether or not remote real-time monitoring and control signals will be exchanged with AEMO by the participant in respect of the Group

  • Yes
  • No

TNI code

Transmission Node Identifier Code: A four character alpha-numeric code used to identify a transmission network connection point or virtual transmission node.

Alphanumeric (4 characters)

Example: ‘QLCM’

TNI region

Transmission Node Identifier Region: NEM Region ID containing the transmission network connection point to which a meter belongs to.

Example: ‘NSW1’

Total MRC (MW) (portfolio)

‘Total MRC (MW)’ statistic is the sum of all aggregated MRCs of all Groups in the Portfolio with a status of ‘approved’ and ‘approved with conditions’.

Must be a positive integer of 1 or above, and between 1 – 4 digits only.

Total MRC (MW) (group)

The DUID-level maximum responsive component is the maximum quantity (in MW) of wholesale demand response the WDRU (Group) is able to provide and bid into the market, rounded down to the nearest full MW. Must be less than or equal to the sum of all NMI MRCs in the DUID.

Must be a positive integer of 1 or above, and between 1 – 4 digits only.

Total no. application NMIs

In the application, this field calculates the number of NMIs provided in the application CSV files.

Numeric sum

Total no. group NMIs

In the application, this field calculates the number of unique NMIs in both the application CSV files and the existing group, if any.

Numeric sum

Client group reference

Name of the group recorded in other AEMO systems. Also considered the ‘DUID name’ which is an existing field in AEMO databases for all DUIDs. This name cannot be changed after the first application for the group is approved.

1 – 20 characters

Workflow link

Optional text field used by AEMO users to manually add a SNOW Workflow URL against the application.

  • URL link
  • Field has the maximum database allowed character limit