User Administration

AEMO recommends to set up participant user rights for web and API at least 24 hours in advance. If a Participant User is logged in when new rights are set up, they must log out and log in again.

User rights access

PAs can create and manage the profile details of their participant users, other users they are specifically given visibility to, and any associated business groups. The initial PA Participant Administrator. Super-users who manage and perform system administration tasks for their own organisation’s participant users. is set up by the AEMO Australian Energy Market Operator system administrator as part of the registration process.

For more details about participant administration and user rights access, see Guide to User Rights Management.

Participant Administrators (PAs) authorise Participant User A Participant ID's users created and maintained by the Markets Portal PA in the URM. access in MSATS Market Settlement and Transfer Solutions. The procedures published by AEMO under clause 7.2.8 of the National Electricity Rules, which include those governing the recording of financial responsibility for energy flows at a connection point, the transfer of that responsibility between market participants, and the recording of energy flows at a connection point..

View a participant user profile

PAs can reset a participant user's forgotten or lost password or if their account is locked. However, only the AEMO system administrator or another PA in the participant user's organisation can reset a PA password.

To view user profiles:

  1. On the main menu, click Administration and then click User Administration.

  1. The User Administration - List screen displays. Click the Participant drop-down arrow to view the right for one participant or for all participants for whom you have access.
  1. The Users for the selected participant display with the following details:
    • User ID: User IDs that belong to the selected participant.

    • User Name: User names that belong to the selected participant.

    • Participant ID – Name: Combined participant ID and name.

    • Activity Status: The user’s status: A = active and I = inactive. Users with an inactive status cannot log in but an inactive record can always be made active again.

    • Updated On: The date the details were last modified. This is not the date the user last logged in.

    • Updated By: The user name of the person who last modified the user ID details.

    • Action: Edit or view user profiles.

  1. To view an individual user’s profile, click View in the Action column.
  1. The User Administration – View screen displays with read-only information that cannot be modified:
    • Participant ID & Name of the participant granting the right.
    • Right Name & Description assigned to the user. If the user has multiple rights they will also be displayed.
    • User is Visible to Following Participants: participants who can see the user.

Edit a participant user profile

Administrators can update a participant user's details, including giving them rights to change their password if required.

To edit a user profile:

  1. On the main menu, click Administration and then click User Administration.
  1. The User Administration – List screen displays. Select the user record to modify by clicking Edit in the Action column.
  1. The User Administration – Edit screen displays. The edit screen has the same fields available in the User Administration – New screen. Hoewver, the ParticipantID & Name and the User ID fields are read-only and cannot be modified.
    • For a user owned by the participant ID, the User Password and Retype Password fields are blank. Leave the fields blank if you do not want to change the user’s password; otherwise, enter a new generic password. The next time the user logs in they are prompted to change this password.
    • For a user owned by the participant ID, any Rights granted by other participants display, but do not have check boxes because you cannot grant or revoke the rights of external participant users.
    • For a user not owned by the participant ID, any Rights granted by other participants do not display.
    • To deactivate the login, change the Activity Status to I - Inactive.
  1. Make the required changes and click Save.

Click Clear to clear the fields and start again or to cancel the changes.

Create participant user rights

Rights are a collection of entities and their associated access privileges. A right consists of information about various actions that an owner of a right can perform on each entity in the system.

PAs can create new user rights. For example, they can create a right for their ordinary RERT participant user so they can update and read but cannot delete or create.

  1. In MSATS > Administration > Maintain Rights, click New.
  2. Complete the fields and select the rights. In the example screenshot, the right provides create, update, and read access. Clicking Createautomatically populates Update and Read.
  3. Click Save.

Set up participant users and assign rights

You must have already set up the right you are assigning; see Create participant user rights.

To assign a right to a participant user or create another PA:

  1. In MSATS > Administration > User Administration, click:
    • New to set up a new user.

    • Edit to update an existing user.

  2. Complete the details and select the right to assign. In the example below, we assign the right we created in for an ordinary participant user. You can also grant the RERT PA right.
  3. Click Save.

Deactivate user IDs

To deactivate a user ID:

  1. Follow the steps in Edit a participant user profile.
  2. To deactivate the login change the Activity Status to I - Inactive.