View Intermittent Generation forecasts

About viewing forecasts

In this menu you can:

  • View a summary of forecasts
  • View forecasts

You can view forecasts by selecting the following criteria:

  • The Forecast Run date range.

You can then select from the list of forecast runs based on the selected criteria.

Intermittent Generation forecast information is available in the following forms:

  • Tabular
  • Graphical

Viewing forecasts

To view Forecasts:

  1. Click Intermittent Generation > Forecasts.

  2. The Intermittent Forecasts interface displays where you can make your selection criteria.

Participants can view DS, PD, 5MPD 5-minute Pre-dispatch, and STPASA.

Select a set of forecasts

You can choose a set of forecast runs and show the latest in the set by selecting the:

Select a forecast run

You can choose a particular forecast run from the set (derived above) and show the data by selecting the:

Select forecast view

You can select how you want to see the forecast run by:

  • Download: for help, see .

Change the date to

The initial default date is the current day. You can set the end-date of the date range.

To select another end-date for the range:

  1. Click the icon to the right of the Date To item to show the calendar, and then click on a date, see Select a date.
  2. Selecting a date causes the forecast data to display, seeSelect the graphical display and Select the tabular display.

Select runs

Selecting the Unit, Type and Date To causes the set of relevant forecast runs to be updated. The date range depends on the Type; see Change the date to. The most recent run in the list is shown by default. You can choose to view any run in the list.

To select a particular run:

  1. Click the down-arrow to the right of the Runs item to show the list of runs, and then click a run. For help, Select the graphical display and Select the tabular display.


Download forecast csv files

Participants can view MT PASA region forecasts (not unit forecasts) using Data Interchange to retrieve the csv files. For more details, see Concise Guide to Data Interchange.

For all types except DS (dispatch), the csv file is the selected forecast run. For DS, the csv file is all dispatch forecasts for the selected day up to the selected forecast run. See Select the type.

To download one file:

  1. Click Export to CSV.
  2. The file is exported and download to your default download location.
  3. For help with the csv format, see Last modified: 17 October 2023.

Select the graphical display

The graphical display presents the content of the Unit forecast as a time series plot with the forecasted power and targets set by NEMDE NEM Dispatch Engine (previously SPD). Software developed and used by AEMO to ensure the central dispatch process maximises value of trade, subject to the various constraints. (for periods when semi-dispatch cap applies) on the vertical axis y in MW Megawatt units and the date and time on the horizontal axis.

For all types except DS (dispatch), the graphical display is the selected forecast run. For DS, the graphical display is all dispatch forecasts for the selected day up to the selected forecast run. See Select the type.

To display the data graphically:

  1. Click the Graph View tab.
  1. Select a Type from the drop-down list.
  2. The data displays in a graphical format, for example:

Figure 58 Dispatch (DS) graphical display

Figure 59 STPASA graphical display

Select the tabular display

The tabular display presents all the content of the Unit forecast in a table form.

To display the data in table form:

  1. Click the Table View tab.
  1. Select a Type from the drop-down list, for example:
  1. The data displays in a tabular format, for example: