Markets Portal Help
About the Markets Portal
Assistance using the Markets Portal Help
Help using AEMO APIs
Explains the IT interfaces and how to access them
Describes the csv format used in the market systems
Data Subscription, Data Delivery, Performance Monitor
Framework, Glossary, Software, Reports, PDR replication, Data Model, Troubleshooting
Declared Wholesale Gas Markets (DWGM)
Describes the Capacity Certificate and Transfer interface in DWGM
Distributed Energy Resources Register
Electricity Market Management System
Demand Side Participation
Gas Bulletin Board
Gas Supply Hub
Information about AEMO's market systems
Market Settlement and Transfer System
Portfolio Management System
Describes the Portfolio Management System
Access to AEMO provided software
Generator Surveys
VAr Dispatch instructions
Release schedules and technical specifications
Help about self-managing TLS Certificates
Explains the user access rights for the Markets Portal