Upgrading a DI Environment

Participants having non-standard Data Interchange environments must assess the impact of a Data Model upgrade to their systems.

You are required to apply upgrades to your Data Interchange (DI) environment in line with each AEMO release (usually twice yearly).

AEMO supports only the latest and previous versions of DI components so it is important to keep your DI environment current. DI cannot support out-of-sequence updates, so to ensure no loss of data, follow the steps in Upgrading your standard Data Interchange environment and Steps to apply a data model upgrade to upgrade your pre-production and production data model. You can find information about the current DI supported versions in Baseline Assumptions.

You can upgrade your pre-production or production Data Model environments once you receive the Data Model scripts. Applying the scripts sets up the new Data Model structure on your local database. You receive the same data until the new versions of fields, files, and reports are released into pre-production or production and you update your subscriptions.

When AEMO releases a new data model, there are three DI components that you must upgrade:

  1. PDR Loader configuration
  2. Data Model tables
  3. Data Subscription web application

Figure 9 Upgrading your standard Data Interchange environment

Table 4 Steps to apply a data model upgrade







Prior to release day

Check your Data Model is the latest version by querying the mms_data_model_audit table. If not, incrementally apply previous upgrades.

Registered Participants can find previous Data Model reports on the Participant File Server

Data Model

Participant File Server > Releases/Gas or MMS Data Model folders

Technical Specifications

Baseline Assumptions


Prior to release day

Ensure any dependencies on discontinued tables are removed

Data Model

Technical Specifications


When released

Download and unzip the specific upgrade for your database

Data Model upgrade

Electricity data model (MMSDM)

MMS Data Model v5.3


When released

AEMO pushes out the pdrLoader upgrade configuration file automatically to all participants with every Data Model release. If your system has not received the file, copy the configuration files in PUBLIC_PDR_CONFIG_*_*_UPGRADE.zip to the pdrLoader reports directory and check the logs to ensure the configurations are loaded.


pdrLoader Configuration Note


When released

Stop the pdrLoader and install the Data Model upgrade using the Data Model Manager using the upgrade script. Check the install logs for any errors and rectify if required


About Data Model Manager

Electricity data model (MMSDM)

Participant Data Replication Loader (pdrLoader)

Troubleshooting the DI software


When released

Activate the files to load into your database.

Deactivate any discontinued files. This does not stop the delivery of the files to your participant ID folders


Participant Data Replication Monitor (pdrMonitor)


Release day

Subscribe to the new and latest version of files so they are sent to your Participant File Share ID folders

AEMO recommends subscribing to all available files and selectively activating them to load into your database

Note: If a file changes, AEMO automatically moves your existing subscriptions to the Legacy file to ensure you continue to receive the same data. If you are on a Legacy version you must move to the current version to see the new data

Data Subscription web interface

Technical Specifications

Subscribe to Files


Release day

Restart the pdrLoader to refresh the Config and Data Model memory cache.


Participant Data Replication Loader (pdrLoader)


After successful loading of new data into your database at least once

Check for errors in the pdrLoader logs

Unsubscribe from any Legacy or deprecated files to stop delivery to your Participant ID folders

Data Model Changes menu in the Data Subscription web portal application

Troubleshooting the DI software

Unsubscribe from files